Last modified on 01 Oct 2021.
A process of performing hyper parameter tuning to determine optimal values for a given model.
Below are an example of using Grid Search with Random Forest in solving the Titanic problem.
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV, cross_val_score
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier as RF
# Create a DICTIONARY containing all the candidate values of the parameters
parameter_grid = dict(n_estimators=list(range(1, 5001, 1000)),
max_features=list(range(1, len(features), 2)),
max_depth= [None] + list(range(5, 25, 1)))
# Creata a random forest object
random_forest = RF(random_state=0, n_jobs=-1)
# Create a gridsearch object with 5-fold cross validation,
# and uses all cores (n_jobs=-1)
gsc = GridSearchCV(estimator=random_forest,
cv=5, verbose=1, n_jobs=-1)
: model we are using (RF
: a dictionary of required parameters and their range of values specified inestimator
Fit and get the best parameters,
grid_result =, y)
best_params = grid_result.best_params_
In the case you wanna use these best_params
best_clf = RF(n_estimators = best_params["n_estimators"],
criterion = best_params["criterion"],
max_features = best_params["max_features"],
max_depth = best_params["max_depth"]
Or you can just use directly the result to predict,, y)
Take the cross validation (take a long time to run!!!),
cv_scores = cross_val_score(gsc, X, y)
print('Accuracy scores:', cv_scores)
print('Mean of score:', np.mean(cv_scores))
print('Variance of scores:', np.var(cv_scores))
- Chris Albon – Titanic Competition With Random Forest.
- Scikit-learn – Parameter estimation using grid search with cross-validation.
•Notes with this notation aren't good enough. They are being updated. If you can see this, you are so smart. ;)