Last modified on 01 Oct 2021.
Front matter
If you don’t want to use any item below, don’t write it down. math: 0
will be considered similarly to math: 1
and jekyll understands that they are the same unless you don’t write either of them.
math: 1
: only add if you wanna use math equations inside post. Jump to this section. -
categories: [cat1, cat2]
: add the categories/topics for posts. Current categories on this site: r, deploy & run, algorithms, time series, deep learning, probability & statistics, data science, skills, python, JavaScript, machine learning, project-based learning, mooc, web development, others. -
tags: [tag1, tag2]
: tags. Current tags in this site: check this. -
: if some page or post has different css, indicate it here. -
toc: 1
: if you wanna show the table of contents for this post. Jump to this section. -
excluded_in_search: 1
: if you think that some post/page containing jekyll expressions that may lead to some errors in the search page. If you add this, this post won’t be included in the search page. -
jsxgraph: 1
: if you use JSXGraph in your post. Jump to this section. -
sitemap: false
: If you would like to exclude specific pages/posts from the sitemap. -
: Only used for pages. -
katex: 1
if you wanna use katex in this page. Remember to wrap the content with{% katexmm %}{% endkatexmm %}
. - Icon/Photo in the header of the post/page:
: (e.g.":chicken:"
) if you wanna display an emoji icon in the header for that page/post. Jump to this section. -
: (e.g."fas fa-book-reader"
) if you wanna display an icon for that in the header for that page/post. -
: (e.g.#ffeead
) if you wanna set a color for that icon. -
icon-photo: jekyll.png
: header photo for your post (if it exists). Photos must be stored in/img/header/
toc: 1
if you wanna show the table of content in your site. -
notfull: 1
if the note is not good enough. -
hide: 1
if you wanna hide some post from/notes
(it’s still available in other pages)
Either use toc: 1
in the frontmatter or add
{% include toc.html %}
Only work on localhost
: http://localhost:4000/admin.
Open in HTML - in Colab for Python Notes
- Jupyter notebooks and their exported html files must be placed in
. - The notebook must be named exactly the same as the note’s url. For example, if the note’s url is
, the notebook’s name should bedata-combining.ipynb
{% include note_html_colab.html %}
This will create automatically 2 button containing the link to open the html file and open the notebook in the
Learning log
{% data_ml %}
{% python %}
{% web %}
{% tech %}
{% workflow %}
Insert youtube videos
For example, if the video’s URL is
, use below codes:
{% include youtube.html content="57oX5RMHHdQ" des="Video's description." %}
Insert tables
- Using this online tool.
- Using classes corresponding to tables in Bootstrap.
- Normal table:
(gray background for heading) - Show the right line of each column, just use the class
together with class.table
. - Table results copied from Jupyter notebooks: paste directly. If you wanna add manually without using jupyter notebook, you have to add class
to that table!- If the table is too long, you need to wrap this table by a
with classtable-wrapper
. - If you copy the side by side tables, remember to remove all
in the copied html.
- If the table is too long, you need to wrap this table by a
Inset figures / images
Beginning of each post:
{% assign img-url = '/img/post/ML' %}
and then
Normal inserting (without any class):
Full width
Full 100% width (.img-full-100
is the same):
Full but overflow outside the margin:
Full but 50% width. We can use 30 to 100
(steps 5) for the percentages.
FLoat to left / right
Float to the right:
Float to the left:
- Check the list of emotional icons here.
- Using:
gives .
Sometimes, this function makes some unwanted errors on the search page. You can copy and paste directly the emojis from this site.
Side-by-side figure and content / columns
<div class="columns-2" markdown="1">
Default, two columns will be separated into 50-50. If you wanna other ratios, using below classes along with .columns-2
- Ratio 2-1 or 1-2:
. - Ratio 3-2 or 2-3:
. - Ratio 1-1:
You can also use <div>
tag to enclose the section you wanna show in only 1 side. Note that you can also use default classes given in bootstrap such as .pl-md-3
to add a separated space between 2 columns.
Click to enlarge / zoom images
If you wanna some photos having the function “click to enlarge”, just add class .pop
(or .zoom
) to this photo.
Insert JSXGraph
You need to indicate it in the frontmatter: jsxgraph: 1
. Below are an example. There are more other options, check the docs.
<div id="jsx-box" class="jxgbox" style="width:100%; height:250px;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
JXG.Options = JXG.merge(JXG.Options, {
majorHeight: 0,
insertTicks: false, // show tick label
ticksDistance : 6, // height of main ticks
lastArrow: {
type: 1, // change the type
highlightSize: 8, // ??
size: 10 // size of last arrow
// fontSize: 16, // font-size of texts
cssdefaultstyle: 'font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit;'
face: 'x' // style of points
// visible: true, // didn't work??
// set in the board's settings
strokeColor: "pink" // grid's color
var brd1 = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jsx-box', {
boundingbox: [-8, 5, 8, -4],
grid: false, // display grid?
showScreenshot: false, // show screen-shot (right lick to save image)?
showNavigation: false, // show navigation?
showCopyright: false // show copyright?
var s = brd1.create('slider',[[1,4],[5,4],[1,10,50]],{name:' n',snapWidth:1});
var a = brd1.create('slider',[[1,3],[5,3],[-10,-3,0]],{name:' start'});
var b = brd1.create('slider',[[1,2],[5,2],[0,2*Math.PI,10]],{name:' end'});
var f = function(x){ return Math.sin(x); };
var plot = brd1.create('functiongraph',[f,function(){return a.Value();}, function(){return b.Value();}]);
var os = brd1.create('riemannsum',[f,
function(){ return s.Value();}, function(){ "left";},
function(){return a.Value();},
function(){return b.Value();}
fillOpacity: 0.3,
brd1.create('text',[-6,-3,function(){ return 'Area = '+(JXG.Math.Numerics.riemannsum(f,s.Value(),"left".value,a.Value(),b.Value())).toFixed(4); }]);
which gives
❌ Don’t use //
for comment in the script, eliminate them or use /* */
Columns & Check box lists
Example like this site.
<div class="two-columns-list" markdown="1">
- [ ] Not finished task. There must be a space between "[" and "]"
- [x] Finished task.
Two equal sized columns,
<div class="d-md-flex" markdown="1">
<div class="flex-even overflow-auto pr-md-1" markdown="1">
Rest parameter (ES6)
// code
<div class="flex-even overflow-auto pl-md-1" markdown="1">
Spread Operator (ES6)
// code
Insert codes
Liquid code
- If you wanna add tag
{% this %}
, use{{"{% this "}}%}
. - If you like this
{{ this }}
, use{{"{{ this "}}}}
. -
The rule: use
before the key-word and end with"}}
before the end of key-word. -
An easier way: use
{% raw %}
and{% endraw %}
around the key-word. These two commands are also used for a block of codes,~~~ {% raw %}{% for %} // line of codes {% end for %}{% endraw %} ~~~
Tips: For a beautiful display, put
{% raw %}
and{% endraw %}
exactly like the above code.
Box of codes
- Gray:
. - Output:
Code with line numbers
There must be a language!:
{% highlight ruby linenos %}
// line of codes
{% endhighlight %}
Side-by-side code boxes
Depend on the length of codes, you decides to use .d-md-flex
or .d-lg-flex
Output with flexible widths
<div class="d-md-flex" markdown="1">
Other code blocks
Result code blocks
Output with equal widths,
<div class="d-md-flex" markdown="1">
Other code blocks
Result code blocks
With line numbers:
<div class="d-md-flex of-auto" markdown="1">
Block of codes with line numbers
Result code blocks
If you want 2 boxes share equal widths
<div class="d-md-flex" markdown="1">
Block of codes.
Block of codes.
Code with figure
<div class="columns-2" markdown="1">
# code block
- Add
before the result block if its length is long. - (Show line numbers case) Add
like in above example if the main code block has a long length. - (Hide line numbers case) Add
before the main code block if its length is long. - If you want 2 boxes share equal widths, replace
! - If two column stick together (with no space between them), you can use
for the left
for the right. - If you wanna the output box stick to the code box, use
Auto-equal 50% code boxes
<div class="flex-50" markdown="1">
Insert boxes
Box around formulas
<p class="p-mark">
Terminal box
$ sudo apt-get update
Alert boxes by Bootstrap
Checkm all other types of alert boxes here. Below are 3 of them (success–green, warning–yellow, danger–red). You have 3 ways to add an alert box in this site. Note that, you can use interchangeably between warning
, success
and danger
If your alert box has only 1 paragraph,
If you wanna add a complicated block inside the box or there are more than 1 paragraph,
<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert" markdown="1">
You can use my self-defined tags (Be careful: if you run your site on Github Pages, it won’t work!)
{% alertbox warning %}
{% endalertbox %}
If you wanna insert a block of math inside above boxes, don’t foget to wrap them inside a p tag.
Hide / Show boxes
For different boxes, use different box1ct
<div class="hide-show-box">
<button type="button" markdown="1" class="btn collapsed box-button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#box1ct">
Box's title
<div id="box1ct" markdown="1" class="collapse multi-collapse box-content">
Box's content.
If you wanna show the box as default, add class show"
to the div#box1ct
Simpler method: you can use below shortcode. Be careful: if you run your site on Github Pages, it won’t work!
{% hsbox **Tựa đề box** | show %}
Box's content.
{% endhsbox %}
If you don’t wanna show the box as default, remove | show
Definition box
<div class="def-box" markdown="1" id="dn1">
<div class="box-title" markdown="1">
<div class="box-content" markdown="1">
Simpler method: you can use below shortcode. Be careful: if you run your site on Github Pages, it won’t work!
{% defbox Title | boxid %}
{% enddefbox %}
Box’s id boxid
is optional and you can use markdown syntax for Title
A simple white box
Like the error box at the end of this post. You can also use class simple-box
<div class="box-error">
- Gray box of code : add class
before the code.
<div class="thi-step">
<div class="step">
<div class="step-number"></div>
<div class="step-content" markdown="1">
Content of step 1.
<div class="step">
<div class="step-number"></div>
<div class="step-content" markdown="1">
Content of step 2.
Content of step 1.
Content of step 2.
More convinient way: Using below shortcode! Be careful: if you run your site on Github Pages, it won’t work!
{% stepblock %}
{% eachstep %}
Content of step 1.
{% endeachstep %}
{% eachstep %}
Content of step 2.
{% endeachstep %}
{% endstepblock %}
Fonts & Texts
. You can use other numbers like95, 80, 85
Superscript references
If you wanna add something like that ([ref] ), you can use
{% ref | custom text %}
where | custom text
is optional, defaut is ref
Given texts
This post is not complete:
{% notcomplete %}
This post is updated frequently:
{% updfreq %}
<span class="tbadge badge-green">text</span>
<span class="tbadge badge-yellow">text</span>
<span class="tbadge badge-gray">text</span>
More convinient way: Using below shortcode! Be careful: if you run your site on Github Pages, it won’t work!
{% badge text | green %}
{% badge text | yellow %}
{% badge text | gray %}
References at the end of each post”
Source of figures used in this post:
- Marked texts:
- If you wanna use markdown synctax inside this mark tag, use
<mark markdown="span">texts</mark>
. -
Easier way (doesn’t work on Github Pages):
{% mark highlighted texts %}
- If you wanna use markdown synctax inside this mark tag, use
- Keyboard:
or{% kbd B %}
- Open in Colab:
{% colab url %}
. - HTML file:
{% html url %}
. - More link:
{% include more.html content="[text](link)" %}
- Subject:
- Target blank
- For the series of posts
{:.series} **For this series** : [part 1](/link), [part 2](/link).
Text colors: using these classes
. -
with smaller font-size (subject): add class.subject
before thish2
Math expressions
- Inline math, use
Block of math, use
$$math block$$
or$$ x^n + y^n = z^n $$
- If you wanna insert some special characters, you must put
before this character, for instance,\\{ 1,2,3 \\}
gives $\{ 1,2,3 \}$ - If you type inline maths which contain chatacters
, you must add\
before each of them, for example,a\_1
give $a_1$. - Don’t use
for absolute values, let’s use\vert \vert
instead. - Don’t use
\left\| \right\|
for norms, use\Vert \Vert
instead. - Don’t use
for star symbols, use\ast
instead. - If you wanna type
, type\\\\
instead. -
If you wanna type an inline matrix, e.g., $[A]=\begin{bmatrix}1 & 2 \\ 2 & 3.999 \end{bmatrix}$, type like below,
$[A]=\begin{bmatrix}1 & 2 \\\\ 2 & 3.999 \end{bmatrix},$
In order to use
like in latex, use$$ \begin{align}\tag{1} x^n + y^n = z^n \end{align} $$
You don’t need an enviroment
to use\label
, you can use it with$$
only, for example,$$ x^n + y^n = z^n \tag{1} $$
- Must indicate
katex: 1
in the front matter. - Inline:
{% katex %}{% endkatex %}
. - Display mode:
{% katex display %}{% endkatex %}
.- You have to use
instead of\begin{align}
for aligned equations.
- You have to use
- Many inline formulas: wrap a paragraph with
{% katexmm %}{% endkatexmm %}
and then use inside it,-
for inline. -
for display. -
to escape$
anywhere within the katexmm environment. - You don’t have to use
- Read more about jekyll-katex.