Last modified on 01 Oct 2021.
The key idea is that for each point of a cluster, the neighborhood of a given radius has to contain at least a minimum number of points.
- “DBSCAN” = Density-based-spatial clustering of application with noise.
- Separate clusters of high density from ones of low density.
- Can sort data into clusters of varying shapes.
- Input: set of points & neighborhood N & minpts (density)
- Output: clusters with density (+ noises)
- Each point is either:
- core point: has at least minpts points in its neighborhood.
- border point: not a core but has at least 1 core point in its neighborhoods.
- noise point: not a core or border point.
- Phase:
- Choose a point → it’s a core point?
- If yes → expand → check core / check border
- If no → form a cluster
- Repeat to form other clusters
- Eliminate noise points.
- Choose a point → it’s a core point?
- Pros:
- Discover any number of clusters (different from K-Means which need an input of number of clusters).
- Cluster of varying sizes and shapes.
- Detect and ignore outliers.
- Cons:
- Sensitive → choice of neighborhood parameters (eg. If minpts is too small → wrong noises)
- Produce noise: unclear → how to calculate metric indexes when there is noise.
- We are not sure the number of clusters (like in KMeans)
- There are outliers or noises in data.
- Arbitrary cluster’s shape.
In Code
DBSCAN with Scikit-learn
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
clr = DBSCAN(eps=3, min_samples=2)
# or
Parameters (others):
: min number of samples to be called “dense”eps
: max distance between 2 samples to be in the same cluster. Its unit/value based on the unit of data.- Higher
+ lowereps
indicates higher density necessary to form a cluster.
: clusters’ labels.
For a ref of paramaters, check the API.
from hdbscan import HDBSCAN
clr = HDBSCAN(eps=3, min_cluster_size=3, metric='euclidean')
: [ref] the smallest size grouping that you wish to consider a cluster.min_samples
: [ref] The number of samples in a neighbourhood for a point to be considered a core point. The larger value the more points will be declared as noise & clusters will be restricted to progressively more dense areas.-
Working with DTW (Dynamic Time Warping) (more):
[ref]from dtaidistance import dtw matrix = dtw.distance_matrix_fast(series) # something likes that model = HDBSCAN(metric='precomputed') clusters = model.fit_predict(matrix)
- Label
means that this sample is not assigned to any cluster, or noise! clt.labels_
: labels of clusters (including-1
: scores (between 0 and 1).0
means sample is not in cluster at all (noise),1
means the heart of cluster.
HDBSCAN and scikit-learn
Note that, HDBSCAN is built based on scikit-learn but it doesn’t have an .predict()
method as other clustering methods does on scikit-learn. Below code gives you a new version of HDBSCAN (WrapperHDBSCAN
) which has an additional .predict()
from hdbscan import HDBSCAN
class WrapperHDBSCAN(HDBSCAN):
def predict(self, X):
return self.labels_
- Official doc – How HDBSCAN works?